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Updates and Upcoming Releases

(Image by Pixabay courtesy of Pexels)

It's a sunny day here in Tuscany, well, at least it is for Haley O'Brien, the main character from my A Girl Gone Crazy series. After a lot of setbacks, sickness, life getting in the way, and just general chaos, I'm proud to announce that the final installment in the series, A Girl Says Goodbye, has finally found it's release date: January 20th, 2025.

Yes, I know that's still many, MANY months away, but I want to make it the best that I can. I promise it'll be worth the wait. Especially when you see what I've got planned for Crapoline! With that said, there are a few other bits of news I'd like to share.

For starters, I've got a new short story series coming soon! That's right, Claiming What's Mine will be in your warm little hands on September 10th. Taking What's Mine follows right behind on September 24th, and the final installment, Stealing What's Mine arrives on October 1st. However, the goodies do not stop there.

What is this? Another book is coming? Why yes! Another book is coming. This one, however, was not planned and came as a complete surprise. If you've read Say You're Mine, then you'll have already met Rebecka Collins-Linton and know what a firecracker she can be. This is her story and it's not what you think. Our girl has been through some hard times, some she never let show in the first book, and well, it's her turn for a happily ever after. Say I'm Yours is planned for a late November release. Once I have a final release date pinned down, I'll let ya know. 😘 I promise I won't make you wait too long either.

In the meantime, I'm going to be over here typing my little fingers off and making sure everything gets into the right hands so it is spic and span, polished, and ready to go for you all. With that said, I want to add just how much I appreciate you all and how lucky I feel to have you all as readers of my work. You are what make this possible. You give me the ability to live out my dream and to continue writing stories. I love you all and thank you ever so much!

Talk to you soon!

-Love, Becca

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