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Crunch Time!

A Girl's Gone, Book Three in the A Girl Gone Crazy Series, is just 15 days away from going live. Am I ready? No. Am I 100% happy with it? Also no, but I do feel that I need to say that I'm never 100% happy with my work. It's my inner perfectionist, created by my military parents, that prevents that from being a thing. What I am is satisfied with the final product (even though it's going through a few more rounds of edits just to be on the safe side). When we last left Haley and Joel, some STUFF had gone down and I had a heck of a time trying to decide where it was going to go? What the next steps would be. Ultimately, I've decided I'm more than good with where it's at and how this book ends. (It's a HEA, by the way!) That doesn't mean that I'm not without reservations. That's what comes with the territory when you're a writer. I doubt the greats were able to crank out a single, error-free, flawless, and cohesive draft and be absolutely content. This is called living in la-la land. No writer, and I mean no writer, can just crank out perfection the first time around. I was thinking on this earlier today and how I've seen a lot of other authors struggle with 'being happy' with their work. It's far more prevalent than one would think. After all, we're putting pieces of ourselves on a page and tossing it out into the universe. It's scary to finally bite the proverbial bullet and commit yourself to doing what you love. It's even more frightening to open yourself up for the world to see the hidden parts that you keep so close to the vest. So, my dear people. Anytime that your favorite authors look like they're struggling or miss a deadline, just remember, we're trying. The last thing we want to do is let you down but sometimes, we get in our own way. Now, with that said, you have nothing to fear with Book Three. A Girl's Gone will be going live on its scheduled release date, January 29th. I hope that when you read it, you like it and if you don't, that's okay too. It means the world that you just considered reading it.

Much love to you all


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